Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Craft Lesson 2

Craft Lesson 2

Discovering Our Senses


Wong, Janet. “Buzz.” Voyager Books. Orlando, Austin, New York, San Diego, Toronto, London: Harcourt, 2000.


Students may have a basic understanding about our senses; that eyes allow us to see, ears allow us to hear, noses allow us to smell, etc. This lesson can help students understand this concept more deeply by exploring how our five senses enable us to discover the world.

How to Teach It

Reading Buzz can be an introduction to this subject. We can ask students “How did the child know there was a bee outside of his window?” This can lead into discussion about our senses, as he “heard” and/or “saw” the bee. Ask students to identify what parts of their body allow them to feel, taste, see, etc. Set up stations in your class for each sense with items that allow us to use that sense. For example: smell- perfume, cinnamon, flowers; hear- bell, drum, etc. Have students go around to each station and record (if possible) which of their five senses helped them to determine the item. Then as a group go over what they discovered about the objects and their senses.


Cassie said...

Great idea Becca!! I would never have thought to discuss the different senses from this book!!

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

I agree with Cassie, Becca. Seemingly simple, b/c, after all, aren't the senses a basic thing? But wait! Not so basic nor simple for a child who can process sensory information, but who doesn't know the intracacies. Wow!

Lacee E. Jones said...

I would have never that to do this. Way to think outside the box!

Aspiring Teacher: said...

I never would have thought about using the five senses for a simple book like "Buzz". It shows a great deal of creativity!

Tamara Clay said...

As I pondered on how could I teach this simple book in a lesson YOU ENLIGHTENED ME.