Monday, January 28, 2008

Minn and Jake

Wong, Janet. “Minn and Jake.” Frances Foster Books. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.

Such a cute story! Not only do I like the story about the formation of their friendship, but I love how it was written. The truthfulness of the children's interactions and the accuracy of their thought processes. It is very expressive and descriptive, in ways that children would be. The story also takes the reader through the range of emotions that accompany the children throughout their experiences; from being disgusted about love, to being angry because of bullies, to feeling lonely and betrayed because of lost friends, to feeling fearful of stalking lizards, I could go on... It was an enjoyable read!


Nikki said...

I agree with you that this book is written exactly the way kids would think! Wong definitely portrayed kids accurately!

Cassie said...

I really do agree with you. I especially liked the emotional aspect of this book!!