Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Craft Lesson 9

Banyai, Istvan. Zoom. New York: Puffin Books, 1998

Making our own class "zoom like" book would be a fun way to bring out our creative sides and work together as a team.

I personally think it would be really fun to make our own "zoom" books. It would definitely bring out the creative sides of us. I think it would be best to make one book as an entire class. We would first have to do plenty of brainstorming as a class. To get ideas rolling, I would be the first to come up with a couple of scenes. I would draw our "rough draft" out on the board as we developed new ideas. Then after we had plenty we would each make one of the illustrations. After we finish, I would bind the book together and keep it out for students to look through throughout the rest of the year.

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